
The GKOS has now been completely upgraded, see: ComboKey >>
ComboKey on Facebook >>

GKOS  -  a new category of full-featured physical keyboards:
Not QWERTY, not exactly Wearable  -  but for Small Wireless Devices!

sixback frontsixback panelsixback closed

Physically on the back or virtually on the multi-touch screen.  - See key mappings between screen and back panel.

Description of the Android Application as an example:

"A chorded thumb keyboard with big buttons and on-screen help for phones and tablets. You can enter text by pressing a single key (left or right) or two keys together (left plus right). This innovative typing method is based on the GKOS keyboard open standard, and provides fast single handed or two handed chordic text entry. When used as a tablet keyboard, it only covers small areas towards the sides of the screen.

No memorizing of chords needed. Just start typing to get the idea. The most frequent letters are on single keys. The typing speed is only limited by how fast you can tap your thumbs on the few big keys on the screen. Finally an easy and practical way to enjoy the benefits of chording!"

Android GKOS
          landscape orientation       GKOS on iPhone  
KOS Keyboard On Screen:
GKOS Application for Android (Phone and Tablet now!) >>
  -  The iPhone GKOS Application >> - A Demo video >>

  GKOS for Nokia N9: The MeeGo Harmattan GKOS Application >>
GKOS for WP 7 and 8: The Windows Phone GKOS Application >>

GKOS Keyboard for Jolla Sailfish OS: ComboKey >>

GKOS Character Set   -   FAQ  -   DEMOS  -     More information on GKOS >>
          remote for the PC   GKOS
          Bluetooth PadType'n drive?
See demo of how to use  a device like this (bottom and top)   -   This is another GKOS wireless keyboard  -  Type'n Drive? GKOS on the wheel.

Related site:  www.sixback.com  - Build one:  www.gkos.netTry GKOS on your QWERTY  - GKOS Google Sites
GKOS Wiki:  wiki.gkos.com   - GKOS Linux:  gkos.com/linux   - GKOS for Thumbs  on a Touch screen!
  - Multitouch Test  testing your touch screen

Follow GKOS on Twitter: twitter.com/GKOSkeyboard

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Keywords: GKOS chording keyboard (chord keyboard, chordic keyboard), SixBack keyboard
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