The GKOS Keyboard as a Game Control
The GKOS keyboard can logically operate as a simple game control for moving objects to 8 directions. Other GKOS characters can also be used depending on the application (Esc, Enter, Backspace, Space, Page Up/Down etc). If the games are specially designed for this kind of interface the controls can be more versatile and effective. The same principle can also be used for pointer (mouse) control in case no other pointing device is available. A special keystroke may be used to activate the 'mouse mode' (SHIFT + 123-ABC), then a command to exit back to keyboard mode (123-ABC). Use A+C keys to left-click and D+F keys (= 'W') to right-click.
Logical keystrokes exist for both normal speed (blue) and high speed (blue+grey) movement to 8 directions.