Nothing pressed

There are many ways to type on the GKOS keyboard.

One-hand text entry in vertical orientation of the device is one possibility. There are some tricks you can apply in that case. If you do not want to stretch your thumb too much (e.g. to reach m), there are options available for that too. The red arrow shows where to press/touch with your thumb and where to swipe to after that. - Note that the key swiped to will always be mirrored on the other side.

Switch to numbers mode
Switching to 123 mode
Switching to SYMB mode
Switching to SYMB mode
Upper case
Upper case letters (v0.1.0)
Upper case v011
Upper case letters (v0.1.1 up)
letter g
Letter g
letter p
Letter p
m v010
Letter m (v0.1.0)
Note: You can always type m by just
pressing key m. This is an optional
way to avoid stretching your thumb.

m v011 a
Letter m (v0.1.1 up), or...
Note: You can always type m by just
pressing key m. This is an optional
way to avoid stretching your thumb.

m v011 b
...Letter m (v0.1.1 up)
Note: You can always type m by just
pressing key m. This is an optional
way to avoid stretching your thumb.

Page Up

30 Dec 2011
Edited 1 Jan 2012 and 10 Jan 2012 (Notes added)