The GKOS Character Codes

All GKOS characters are presented below. The GKOS reference number is just an index for the key combination. The Key Code is the mathematical value of the key combination when keys 1 to 6 are assumed to have values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32. (***Table corrected 5 Dec 2002: F6...F16)  

-  See the constantly updated table here >>

GKOS     123 mode              ABC mode         Functions
ref.  ==================    ===============    ===========
num   -      SYMB  SHIFT    -  SYMB  SHIFT   (After CTRL SYMB)
                  or CAPS          or CAPS                    Key Code
                                                             (chord value)
1     1      a     <1>      a   1     A         F1                1
2     2      b     <2>      b   2     B         F2                2
3     3      c     <3>      c   3     C         F3                4
4     4      d     <4>      d   4     D         F4                8
5     5      e     <5>      e   5     E         F5               16
6     6      f     <6>      f   6     F         F6               32

7     0      g     <0>      g   0     G         F10              24
8     7      h     <7>      h   7     H         F7               25
9     8      i     <8>      i   8     I         F8               26
10    9      j     <9>      j   9     J         F9               28

11    #      k     <#>      k   #     K         <>               48
12    ½      l     <½>      l   ½     L         F11              49
13    &      m     <&>      m   &     M         F12              50
14    @      n     <@>      n   @     N         F13              52

15    +      o     <+>      o   +     O         <>                3
16    %      p     <%>      p   %     P         F14              11
17    =      q     <=>      q   =     Q         F15              19
18    Y(yen) r     <Y>      r   Y     R         F16              35

19    *      s     <*>      s   *     S         <>                6
20    e(euro)t     <e>      t   e     T         <>               14
21    $      u     <$>      u   $     U         <>               22
22    £      v     <£>      v   £     V         <>               38

23    (      w     <(>      w   (     W         HELP             40
24    [      x     <[>      x   [     X         NUM LOCK         41
25    <      y     <<>      y   <     Y         SCROLL LOCK      42
26    {      z     <{>      z   {     Z         PRINT SCREEN     44
GKOS     123 mode              ABC mode         Functions
ref.  ==================    ===============    ===========
num   -      SYMB  SHIFT    -  SYMB  SHIFT     (After CTRL SYMB)
                  or CAPS          or CAPS                   Key Code
NATIONAL LETTERS:                                           (Chord value)
27    )      ü     <)>      ü   )     Ü         BREAK             5
28    ]      å     <]>      å   ]     Å         PAUSE            13
29    >      ä     <>>      ä   >     Ä         SYS REQ          21
30    }      ö     <}>      ö   }     Ö         CLEAR            37
31    .      :     <.>      .   :     .         <.>              34
32    ,      ;     <,>      ,   ;     ,         <,>              20
33    !   (inv.!)  <!>      ! (inv.!) !         <!>              12
34    ?   (inv.?)  <?>      ? (inv.?) ?         <?>              33
35    -      _      -       -   _     -         <->              17
36    '      "     <'>      '   "     '         <'>              10
37    \      `     <\>      \(*)`     \         <\>              51
38    /      ´     </>      /(*)´     /         </>              30
39    ¨      |     <¨>      ¨   |     ¨         <¨>              53
40    ~      §     <~>      ~   §     ~         <~>              46
41    ^      ¤     <^>      ^   ¤     ^         <^>              29
(*) Note: In ABC mode, GKOS characters 37 and 38 may be arranged differently according to the language so that the positions of intonation markings (accents) and slashes are swapped on the table if the national keyboard requires using these two intonation markings frequently and if they cannot be managed with the national characters (27 to 30).

All modes
=========          Key Code
NAVIGATING:       (Chord value)
42    Arrow up       9
43    Arrow down    36
44    PgUp          27
45    PgDn          54
46    Basckspace     7
47    Arrow left    15
48    Word left     23
49    Home          39
50    Space         56
51    Arrow right   57
52    Word right    58
53    End           60
54    Enter         59
55    Tab           61
56    Esc           31
57    Del           62
58    Ins           43
59    SHIFT         18
60    SYMB          45
61    123-abc       63
62    Ctrl          47
63    Alt           55

<>       = spare
<x>      = spare but is 'x' if not otherwise defined
Key Code = the value of the key combination when keys 1 to 6 are
           considered to have values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32.

123-ABC         This key code toggles between 123 and ABC modes

See also: Special modes and functions

- note that CAPS does not have an effect on the 123-ABC function

In case somone wishes to add, for some special application, two more keys which are for the pinky fingers, they shall be numbered 7 (left bottom) and 8 (right bottom) and their preferred function should be:
Key 7 = SHIFT
Key 8 = SYMB
Both keys 7 and 8 <reserved>

Updated on 5 December 2002